Episode 92 Snippets: Geoff Blosat Shows ROI and Communicates Insight from the Redskins digital and social content

On episode 92 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast, Neil chatted with Geoff Blosat, Digital Media Analyst for the Washington Redskins.

What follows are some snippets from the episode. Click Here to listen to the full episode or check it out and subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.

Posted by Neil Horowitz

Follow me on Twitter @njh287 Connect on LinkedIn

Episode 91 Snippets: Casper Vestereng on How TV3 SPORT Engages and Monetizes Its Danish Fans

On episode 91 of the Digital and Social Media Sports Podcast, Neil chatted with Casper Vestereng, Social Media Manager for TV3 SPORT.

What follows are some snippets from the episode. Click Here to listen to the full episode or check it out and subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.

Posted by Neil Horowitz

Follow me on Twitter @njh287 Connect on LinkedIn

Engage Fans as Individuals and Give Them Lasting Impressions

There was a beautiful, simple gesture recently taken by the Philadelphia Phillies with a fan that reached out on Twitter. It underscored the power of social media, the power of active listening and engagement, and how in a fleeting moment on an ordinary day, a team can leave a permanent imprint on a fan, and all the fans to whom their story emanates.

Every game, every day is an opportunity to give a fan a lifelong memory. A story they’ll tell not just that day, but the best memories can be so special to become part of the, well, story repertoire for a fan. One of their favorites to tell when making conversation, meeting new people, and reminiscing. When was the last time you left such an impression on a fan, giving them a memory to preserve and story to tell forever.


A story that sticks with me because it reinforces this message? It starts with active listening, a little surprise and delight, and a fan with a memory they’ll cling to forever.

A quick retelling — I was always actively listening on the team’s social media platforms, with mentions, key words, and lists. One game night, I noticed a fan excitedly posting about being at the game with his dad for his dad’s birthday — their first game ever for them both. On a whim I reached out to the fan, got their seat location, and about a third of the way through the game, went and surprised them with some autographed swag to make sure this would be a birthday they’d never forget. (A smartphone pic they requested assured it).

Seeing the smiles on their faces didn’t leave me. The power of a single engagement blew me away. These two would retell this story and hold on to this memory forever. How cool is that? That’s immeasurable ROI.

From that day forward, I realized if I could have at least one of those powerful, one-to-one engagements (not necessarily as grandiose, just making a fan feel like the team cares about them, as an individual, and appreciates their personal support and investment); if I could inspire that feeling in just one every day, the super fan base would grow. The brand ambassadors. The emotionally connected fans. The ones with a story to tell.

Episode 91: Casper Vestereng Leading the Way for Social Media and Sport in Scandinavia

Listen to episode 91 of the Digital and Social Media Sports podcast, with Casper Vestereng, Social Media Manager for TV3 SPORT.



67 minute duration. Show format contains separate parts. Subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or listen on Stitcher

Posted by Neil Horowitz Follow me on Twitter @njh287   Connect on LinkedIn